
Cookie Policy for Unitap

At Unitap, we prioritize user privacy and do not utilize cookies on our platform. We respect your online experience and have designed our website to function without the use of cookies.

No Use of Cookies

Unitap does not employ cookies for any purpose. We have intentionally chosen not to use cookies in order to minimize data collection and enhance user privacy.

Privacy Commitment

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We do not track your browsing activity or gather any personal information through cookies or other means while you navigate our website.

User-Friendly Experience

Despite not using cookies, we strive to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience on our platform. You can access all features and functionalities without the need for cookies.

Data Security

While we do not collect any data through cookies, we maintain strict security measures to protect any information you may provide voluntarily while using TUnitap.


We believe in transparency regarding our data practices. If there are any changes in our approach to data collection or privacy policies in the future, we will update our users accordingly.

If you have any questions or concerns about our cookie policy or any aspect of Unitap, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback is valuable to us.

Thank you for choosing Unitap. We are committed to providing a secure and privacy-conscious platform for token swapping.